👋 Hello, I am

Rotenda Magada

Front-end developer based in South Africa

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Featured Project that i have done so far

Candle Project

My first coding project, this was so simple and exciting, i knew this is what i want to do. I remember how my candle business idea came to place and how i started the candle business. I love dit and it took most of my time during the covid days. This was a time to put it on a website i created myself.

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Weather App

As challenging as it was to now see realtime come into place through my own code. I realised its not often that we see things we do come to life. This was another exciting adventure of weather creation. I never thought i could design and code a real time weather app, but i did it and its what i use everyday.

My Profile

I took my time to reflect on how far i have come, the obstacles and challenges i faced in my coding journey. I know i am not perfect as yet but strive for perfection everyday. I made this page to remind myself it was not easy but i took the chance i had and made it useful. Thanks to SheCodes for giving me this opportunity to learn how to code for free.